07 Mar 2022, 12:27
Update : 10 Mar 2022, 12:03

Bangabandhu's March 7 speech still inspiration to forward country: PM

DHAKA, March 7, 2022 (BSS) - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said the
historic March 7 speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman is still an inspiration to take the country forward. 

"The historic March 7 speech is still inspiring us to take the country
forward," she said.

The prime minister was addressing a ceremony as the chief guest marking the
historic March 7 speech of Bangabandhu, joining virtually from her official
Ganabhaban residence here.

She also expressed her optimism that none can confuse the new generations
about the true history of the Liberation War as the world is now open to them
for technological advancement.
She added: "The world is open now before today's generation. So, they cannot
be confused anymore what was made for 21 years. I firmly believe that it
won't be possible to push them to darkness at the age of technology."
Mentioning that Bangladesh is advancing ahead and will forward further, the
prime minister said the March 7 speech of the Father of the Nation will
encourage all to achieve the goals.
The Cultural Affairs Ministry organised the function at the Bangabandhu
International Conference Centre (BICC) at Sher-e-Banglanagar here on the
historic March 7 speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque and Education Minister Dr
Dipu Moni spoke on the occasion as the special guests.
State Minister for Cultural Affairs KM Khalid presided over the function
while its Secretary Md Abul Monsur gave the welcome address.

At the outset of the function, the national anthem and March 7 speech of
Bangabandhu were played.

 Referring to selecting 200 best speeches in 2500 years in a book titled
"Great Speeches in Minutes" by Jacob F Field, Sheikh Hasina said the appeal
of the many speeches had ended on the day of delivering the speech.
"We are celebrating 50 years of the country's independence while the March 7
speech of Bangabandhu is still inspiring us," she said.
Stating that in the history of the world, many great speeches were given, but
those were written, the premier said Bangabandhu's historic March 7 speech
was extempore.
She said the historic March 7 Speech of Bangabandhu was not written and he
even did not rehearse it before.

She added: "Before his speech, my mother suggested Bangabandhu to say
whatever comes in his mind and there was no need to pay heed to the points of
The prime minister said none would be able to count how many times, days,
hours and minutes, the March 7 speech has so far been played.
"We have been hearing the March 7 speech decades after decades. Crores of
people have heard it," she continued.
Highlighting the significance of the March 7 speech, Sheikh Hasina said
Bangabandhu had prepared the nation step by step for independence and it was
reflected in the speech.
She mentioned that Bangabandhu in his speech just not uttered the
Independence of the country. "Rather, he (Bangabandhu) told that how he will
liberate the country, how he will bring political, economic, social and
cultural freedom for the country," she added
Sheikh Hasina, the elder daughter of Bangabandhu, said in his speech, the
Father of the Nation gave the direction for economic emancipation after the
independence of the country.
"Bangabandhu did not only unite the nation, he also imbued the people with
the spirit of the liberation," she said.
Sheikh Hasina regretted that after the brutal assassination of Bangabandhu in
1975, the military rulers imposed a ban on playing of the March 7 speech.
But leaders and workers of the Awami League and its associate bodies had
played it on various national days ignoring the threats and inhuman tortures,
she said.
But, now today, she said this historic March 7 speech of Bangabandhu has been
included in the World Documentary Heritage by the UNESCO and it is also one
of the greatest speeches of all times.
Sheikh Hasina said her mother had always stood beside her father in every
struggle while her grandfather and grandmother also supported Bangabandhu in
his endeavour to liberate the country.
She said this speech had a full direction for turning a noncooperation
movement into an armed revolution along with inspiring the people of the
country including the freedom fighters during the nine months of the blood-
stained War of Liberation.
The premier said no nation in the world except the Bengalis could unleash
such noncooperation movement under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman for 24 years.
In this regard, she referred to an incident that the cooks of the then
Pakistan president house (Sugandhya) had stopped cooking after the
announcement of the non-cooperation movement by the Father of the Nation.
The prime minister said that each of the Bengalis including the government
employees obeyed Bangabandhu's directives regarding non-cooperation movement.

Sheikh Hasina mentioned Bangabandhu's farsightedness saying he knew very well
that, "though Awami League would secure a majority in the general election in
1970, the Pakistanis would not hand over power".
For this, she said, Bangabandhu in advance had thought that how the guerrilla
war would be waged, how the freedom fighters would get arms and ammunitions
alongside getting training and who would support the Bengalis.

 She also said that none would be able to foil the independence of the
country and erase the ideology of the Father of the Nation.
The prime minister said attempts were made time and again to distort the true
history of the country's independence and to mislead the nation for 21 years,
adding, "Now it is proved that history can never be suppressed."