25 Mar 2022, 21:11
Update : 25 Mar 2022, 21:58

Quader for raising voice to get recognition of March 25 as Int’l Genocide Day

DHAKA, March 25, 2022 (BSS) – Awami League General

Secretary Obaidul Quader today urged the pro-liberation
political parties to intensify the demand of declaring the
March 25 as the International Genocide Day.
“On the night of March 25 in 1971, the Pakistani military
force carried out massacre on Bangalees. All the political
parties, which are pro-liberation ones and bear the spirit
of Liberation War, must get united to accelerate the
demand for recognising the March 25 as the
International Genocide Day,” he told a meeting here.

To realise the demand, he said, all the pro-liberation
political parties should be united under the leadership of
AL President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Dhaka south and north units of Awami League jointly
arranged the meeting at the AL’s Bangabandhu Avenue
central office, marking the Genocide Day.

Speaking at the meeting, Quader said with her courage,
Sheikh Hasina brought the war criminals to justice, while
the recognition of the International Mother Language
Day was achieved under her leadership.

He said it is possible for Sheikh Hasina to realise the
demand of recognising the March 25 as the International
Genocide Day.

No political party except the AL is yet to raise voice to
realise the demand of getting recognition of the day from
the United Nations, he added.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister,
said no government, except the AL one, talks about this

“We have to get attention to the United Nations. We
have to work with the agenda in the UN. We have to
continue it. Many of the killings of the history have not
been recognised as international genocide,” he said.

Chaired by Dhaka North City AL President Sheikh Bazlur
Rahman, the meeting was addressed, among others, by
AL joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif,
organising secretary Ahmed Hossain, office secretary
Barrister Biplab Barua, Dhaka South City AL president
Abu Ahmed Mannafi and its general secretary Humayun
Kabir and Dhaka North City AL general secretary SM
Mannan Kachi.

Hanif said: “We did not get the recognition of the March
25 as the International Genocide Day because this
history was erased after the assassination of
Bangabandhu in 1975. The history of the country’s
independence was distorted. As a result, we did not get
the recognition”.