24 Jul 2022, 18:37

There is no crisis over election-time govt: Quader

DHAKA, July 24, 2022 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said there is no crisis in the country over the election-time government but there is a crisis in Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its leadership.

He made the remarks while talking to reporters at Diabari of the capital's Uttara this morning.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said there is no limit of the demand of the BNP leaders as sometimes they want a neutral government and again seek an election-time government.

Sometimes, the BNP leaders demand a caretaker government or a national government too, he said, adding "In fact, the BNP leaders themselves do not know what they want".

Responding to a statement of BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, the AL general secretary said the next general election will be held under the Election Commission (EC), not under the government.

Noting that the government will only continue its routine works, he said the EC is an independent and constitutional body and the government will provide all-out support to the Commission in playing its independent and trustworthy role during the polls.

Quader said the demand of caretaker government raised afresh by Mirza Fakhrul Islam is a settled issue and that is why there is no scope of discussion over it.

The BNP's threat to wage a movement against the AL will not bring any result as the AL was formed through constant movements and struggles, he said. 

He warned that the Awami League knows better how to deal with a movement.

Welcoming any peaceful programme of the BNP, the AL general secretary said if they (BNP) try to create anarchy or chaos in the name of movement, the AL is ready to give a befitting reply to them to protect the lives and properties of the people.

In response to another statement of Fakhrul that the government would be ousted through movement, Quader said the country's people laugh at them hearing such a statement.

People do not believe that a party, which failed to hold even a procession on the streets demanding the release of its leader, will oust the government through a movement, he said. 

The AL general secretary said the BNP and its allies are now holding dialogues among themselves without joining the dialogues held by the President and the EC.

He said it is not actually a dialogue, but the BNP is hatching conspiracy in the name of dialogue. 

The patriotic people of the country will not accept this kind of conspiracy that the BNP is hatching involving the communal evil forces, Quader added.