14 Dec 2022, 08:54
Update : 14 Dec 2022, 13:23

PM pays glowing tributes to Bangabandhu, martyred intellectuals

DHAKA, Dec 14, 2022 (BSS) – Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today paid rich tributes to the martyred intellectuals and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreaths at the Martyred Intellectuals Memorial at Mirpur and portrait of the Father of the Nation at Dhanmondi here marking the Martyred Intellectuals Day.
The premier first laid the wreath at the Martyred Intellectuals Memorial at Mirpur to pay glowing homage to the great sons of the country.

After placing the wreath, she stood in solemn silence for some time to show profound respect to the martyred intellectuals.

Later, flanked by party leaders, Sheikh Hasina, also the President of Awami League, placed another wreath at the Martyred Intellectuals Memorial as the chief of her party.

The prime minister also exchanged pleasantries with the family members of the Martyred intellectuals here.

Then, she went to Dhanmondi Road No 32 in the capital and laid a wreath at the portrait of the Father of the Nation in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum there to pay homage to the Architect of the Independence Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

After placing the wreath, she stood in solemn silence for some time to show profound respect to the great leader of Bangladesh.

Flanked by party leaders, Sheikh Hasina, also the President of the ruling Awami League, placed another wreath at Bangabandhu’s portrait as the party chief as well.

Just two days ahead of the country’s final victory for independence on this day 51 years back, the Pakistani occupation forces with the help of their local collaborators – Razakar, Al-Badr and Al-Shams – killed the most prominent intellectuals of the country.
As many as 200 illustrious sons of the soil, including professors, journalists, doctors, artistes, engineers and writers, were abducted from their respective residences blindfolded during December 10 to 14 in 1971.

They were first taken blindfolded to torture cells at Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Nakhalpara, Rajarbagh and other clandestine locations in different parts of the city.

Subsequently, they were put to death en masse at different killing grounds, most notably Rayerbazar and Mirpur, in a bid to cripple the newly emerging Bangladesh intellectually.

Those who were exposed to the killers’ wrath on December 14, 1971 included Dr Alim Chowdhury and Dr Fazle Rabbi, Journalists Shahidullah Kaisar, Sirajuddin Hossain, Nizamuddin Ahmed, SA Mannan and Selina Parveen, and litterateur Munier Choudhury.

Since then, the day is being observed as the Martyred Intellectuals Day.