16 Mar 2023, 17:24

Tajul for proper planning to resolve city problems


DHAKA, March 16, 2023 (BSS) - Local Government and Rural Development (LGRD) Minister Md Tajul Islam today underscored the need for making proper planning to resolve the problems of Dhaka city. 

"If the population and civic facilities of megacity Dhaka are not compatible, the sufferings will not decrease. Proper planning is needed in this regard," he said.

The minister said these while addressing the 'Bill Collection Award 2021-22 organized by Dhaka WASA at a city hotel as the chief guest, an official release said.

There is a certain capacity in providing any utility service including electricity, gas or water, he said, adding that over-population puts pressure on supply systems and disrupts service delivery.

Commenting that the price of WASA's water should be determined zone-based, the minister said that it is discriminatory that the price of water in elite areas of Dhaka is the same as that of poor areas.
With Managing Director and CEO of Dhaka WASA Taqsem A Khan in the chair, the programme was , attended, among others, by Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury, Additional Secretary of the Local Government Division Md Khairul Islam and Chairman of Dhaka WASA Board Engineer Dr Golam Mostafa as special guests.