16 Apr 2023, 17:04

Govt takes programmes to observe Mujibnagar Day tomorrow 

DHAKA, April 16, 2023 (BSS) - Ministry of Liberation War Affairs has taken elaborate programme to observe the historic Mujibnagar Day in a befitting manner tomorrow. 

The day will begin with the hoisting of national flag at 9am at the Liberation War Memorial Centre at Mujibnagar in Meherpur district.

Later, wreaths will be laid at the Liberation War Memorial Centre. Guards of Honor will be presented and colourful parade will also be held at Mujibnagar Amrakanan by veteran freedom fighters, police, BGB, Ansar and VDP, BNCC, scouts, Girls Guides and school-college students.

Musical drama 'Jal Mati O Manush' will be screened in Mujibnagar at 10 am on this day. A discussion will be held at 10:45 am at Sheikh Hasina Mancha in Mujibnagar highlighting the significance of this day.

This day will be a public holiday in Mujibnagar upazila of Meherpur district.

On the occasion of this day, important installations and buildings in the capital and Mujibnagar will be illuminated and the road islands will be decorated with national flags.

Seminars and prayers will be organised in different educational institutions. Similar programmes will be held at district and upazila levels and also at Bangladesh embassies abroad highlighting the significance of the day. 

Bangladesh missions abroad will take similar programmes highlighting the importance of Mujibnagar Day. 

Following the Pakistan army's genocide on unarmed Bangalees on the black night of March 25 in 1971, senior leaders of Awami League formed the provisional government of independent Bangladesh at Baidyanathtala in Meherpur on April 17 that led the Bangladesh Liberation War.