29 Apr 2023, 19:06

21,621 students to appear in SSC, equivalent exams in Manikganj

MANIKGANJ, April 29, 2023 (BSS) - A total of 21,621 students of the district 
will appear in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and its equivalent 
examinations this year.

The examinations will begin tomorrow, district administration sources said.

All necessary preparations have been taken to hold the examinations smoothly, 
the sources added.

According to the sources, 17,932 students from 162 schools would appear in 
the SSC examinations in 19 centres, 898 would appear in the Dakhil 
examinations in three centres, 2,637 would appear in SSC (Vocational) 
examinations in nine centres and 154 students would appear in Dakhil 
(Vocational) examinations of the district under Dhaka board scheduled to be 
held from April 30 like other education boards in the country. 

Meanwhile, with a view to holding the examinations in an atmosphere 
completely free from unfair means, a preparatory meeting was held recently at 
the conference room of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Manikganj.

DC Muhammad Abdul Latif asked the Upazila Nirbahi Officers (UNOs) of all 
seven upazilas of the district and the Secretaries of all the examination 
centres to obey the directives of the Ministry of Education properly so that 
the examinations can be held peacefully and without any unfair means.