01 Jul 2023, 21:16
Update : 01 Jul 2023, 21:44

SDGs to remain unachieved without big financial push: Momen  

DHAKA, July 1, 2023 (BSS) - Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen today called upon developed nations to provide required finance and technology to developing and least developed countries as per their commitment so that United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could be achieved.    
"I am afraid, unless there is a big push in financing, the SDG goals can remain unattained," he told a seminar which was also addressed by visiting UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed at Foreign Service academy in the capital.

 The foreign ministry organized the seminar titled "Road to Sustainable Development Goals Summit 2023" as the UN is set to hold the SDG summit in September this year. 
The foreign minister said it is unfortunate that the process of finance to achieve the SDGs is not moving very fast even after eight years of setting the targets by the UN. 
"In the case of Bangladesh, we did very well, we took SDGs very seriously and we included it in our whole system," he said and added that Bangladesh decided to channel 85 percent of its SDGs finance domestically and rest 15 percent from the international agencies.  
Momen said this is the high time to create international pressure to ensure the financial flow for achieving the SDGs within the stipulated time frame of 2030. "We need support from the UN (in this regards)," he added.   
Amina said the UN Secretary General has urged the world leaders to deliver their rescue plan for the SDGS at the summit to be held in September.
Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen gave the welcome speech while Principal Coordinator (SDGs Affairs) Prime Minister's Office Md Akhter Hossain gave a presentation on SDGs. 

Bangladesh Open University's Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Mahbuba Nasree, ActionAid Bangladesh Country Director Farah Kabir and Unilever Bangladesh Director Shamima Akhter spoke as panel discussants.
In his speech, Foreign Secretary said despite the external headwinds, Bangladesh has remained steadfast in its commitment to achieving the SDGs, with all its key national development strategies aligned with the Agenda.

"In that spirit, we have taken a 'whole-of-society' approach with regular and extensive consultations being held with our partners from the National Parliament, academia, civil society, private sector, labour organisations and the media," he added. 
Masud urged the UN to keep mobilizing international public opinion in favour of unlocking the resources and technologies needed for achieving the SDGs. 
Earlier, Dr Momen held a bilateral meeting with UN deputy secretary general at the academy.
After the seminar, the foreign minister told journalists that he suggested the UN development agencies to focus on development issues instead of political affairs during his meeting with Amina.