16 Jul 2023, 18:08

Adv Matiar Rahman Talukder's 15th death anniversary today

DHAKA, July 16, 2023 (BSS) - Today is the 15th death anniversary of prominent lawyer Advocate Matiar Rahman Talukder, father of High Court Division Justice Md Mahmud Hasan Talukder and former State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr Murad Hasan.

Advocate Matiar Rahman Talukder Sriti Sangsad offered Doa at his grave and organized Qur'an Khani, distributed food, arranged milad mahfil, marking the day.

Valiant Freedom Fighter Advocate Matiar Rahman Talukder born on November 1, 1934, in Jamalpur. He was the president of Jamalpur District Bar Association for six times. He was the founder and founding principal of Jamalpur Law College.

He died on July 16, 2008.