26 Aug 2021, 21:45
Update : 26 Aug 2021, 21:51

Govt engages to evacuate stranded Bangladeshis from Afghanistan: FM

   DHAKA, Aug 26, 2021 (BSS) - The government has been engaged to take
all possible arrangements to evacuate all Bangladeshis who have been
stranded in Afghanistan.

  "We do always evacuate Bangladeshi nationals (if any one got
standard in any country), we will take them back whenever chances to
be created (in Afghanistan)," he told journalists at his residence in
the capital this evening.

  Not detailing the efforts taken by the government to evacuate the
Bangladesh nationals from Afghanistan, the foreign minister said that
the stranded Bangladeshis would get all support from Dhaka.

  Dr Momen said the Bangladesh Embassy in Uzbekistan is working to
provide support to stranded Bangladeshis in Afghanistan as there is no
Bangladesh mission in Kabul.

  "They (Bangladesh mission in Uzbekistan) will manage" he added.

 The foreign minister said Dhaka has been observing the Afghanistan situation.

 According to different unconfirmed sources, nearly 20 Bangladeshi
nationals have been stuck in Afghanistan.

  Earlier, Bangladesh had called upon all to take steps to ensure
sustainable peace in Afghanistan and safely evacuate foreign nationals
including Bangladeshis from there.

   Bangladesh ambassador to Saudi Arabia Mohammad Javed Patwary made
the call at an emergency meeting of permanent representatives of the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation held in Jeddah on Sunday.

   On Tuesday, Bangladesh called upon United Nations (UN) to take
concrete steps for establishing and sustaining peace in Afghanistan
through inclusive political dialogue.

  "An Afghan-led and Afghan-owned inclusive political dialogue
anchored on national sovereignty and territorial integrity is
essential for establishing and sustaining peace in Afghanistan", said
Bangladesh Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at
Geneva Md Mustafizur Rahman while addressing the 31st Special Session
of the UN Human Rights Council on the ongoing human rights situation
in Afghanistan.

   "Bangladesh believes that a democratic and pluralistic Afghanistan
as chosen by its people is the only guarantee of stability and
development in the country," the foreign minister said in a statement
on August 9.

   Bangladesh is urging all stakeholders in Afghanistan to maintain
peace and calm ensuring safety and security of all including foreign
nationals, said the foreign ministry here.