18 Jul 2023, 18:09

3 dailies get declaration through Press Appellate Board verdict

DHAKA, July 18, 2023 (BSS) - Three new dailies have got declaration following the verdict of Press Appellate Board on three separate pleas lodged against the rejection of applications, seeking declaration, by Dhaka District Magistrate.

Press Appellate Board and Bangladesh Press Council (BPC) Chairman Justice Md Nizamul Huq Nasim and two other members of the board as well as the BPC Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury and Kawser Ahmed today unanimously gave the verdict urging the Dhaka District Magistrate to give declaration to the three newspapers, said a BPC press release here.

The new newspapers published from Dhaka are: The Daily Provatbela, Dainik Janatar Bangla and Dainik Prodhan Sangbad.

The full verdict on the appeals will be published soon, the release said.

According to the release, separate appeals were lodged with the Press Appellate Board on behalf of the three newspapers as Dhaka District Magistrate rejected the applications seeking declaration on October 3 in 2022.