01 Sep 2021, 21:50

Benazir introduces news portal 'Police News'

  DHAKA, Sept 1, 2021 (BSS) - Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr
Benazir Ahmed today inaugurated a news portal 'Police News
(' at the police headquarters this afternoon.

  Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) of Media and Planning and
President of News Portal Steering Committee Md Haider Ali Khan
delivered the welcome speech on the occasion.

  Speaking as the chief guest, the IGP said: "We want to highlight
positive Bangladesh through 'Police News'. It will highlight the
success of drives of the police."

  He said the relationship of police with the media should be
institutionalized. To this end, the Golden Rules of Journalism will be
followed in Police News, he added.

  The Bengali version of 'Police News' was launched at the initial
stage, said Benazir, adding that the English version will also be
launched soon.

   The news portal was launched with the initiative of Benazir to
implement Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's
'Janatar Police' and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's 'Vision-2041'.