01 Dec 2023, 18:25

BNP-Jamaat will not be able to hinder election: Hanif

DHAKA, Dec 1, 2023 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) Joint General Secretary Mahbubul

Alam Hanif today said the BNP-Jamaat won`t be able to halt the upcoming
general election through blockade and strikes programs, rather the alliance
will be isolated from the people.

"Hanif said BNP-Jamaat is carrying out subversive acts and arson attack on
vehicles in the name of blockade and strike. The party is practicing wrong
politics," he told journalists at his residence in Kushtia this morning.

Replying to a question from journalists, Hanif said we hope that the Election
Commission will hold a free, fair and acceptable election in the country and
the country`s people will spontaneously participate in the election slated on
January 7.