08 Jan 2024, 01:03

AL wins four seats, Ind one in Jamalpur

JAMALPUR, Jan 7, 2024 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) nominated candidates won four 
seats and independent one here in the 12th parliamentary elections.

According to Election Commission (EC), AL candidate Nur Mohammad (Boat) 
bagged 2,28,247 votes and elected unofficially in Jamalpur-1 (Bakshiganj-
Dewangaj) constituency. His nearest Jatiya Party candidate SM Abu Sayem 
(plough) got 6,070 votes.

In Jamalpur-2 (Islampur) constituency: AL candidate Faridul Haque Khan bagged 
70,762 votes and elected unofficially while his nearest independent candidate 
SM Shahinuzzaman (scissor) got 30,548 votes.

In Jamalpur-3 (Madarganj-Melandah) constituency: AL nominated candidate Mirza 
Azam (Boat) bagged 2,76,453 votes and elected unofficially. His nearest 
Jatiya Party candidate Mir Samsul Alam Lipton (plough) got 7,470 votes.

In Jamalpur-4 (Sarishabari) constituency: independent candidate Md Abdur 
Rashid (Truck) elected the race unofficially getting 50,678 votes. His 
nearest AL-nominated candidate Md Mahbubur Rahman (Boat) got 47,638 votes.

In Jamalpur-5 (Sadar) constituency: AL-nominated candidate Md Abul Kalam Azad 
(Boat) won the polls unofficially getting 2,15,889 votes while his nearest 
independent candidate Md Rezaul Karim (Eagle) got 65,249 votes.