14 Jan 2024, 16:45

Intensity of cold paralyses people's normal life in Gaibandha

GAIBANDHA, Jan 14, 2024 (BSS) - Intensity of cold wave with dense fog has

increased due to decreasing the temperature today paralysing the normal life
of common people in urban and rural areas of the district.

Severe cold wave coming from Himalayas made lives of the dwellers especially
the homeless and the char people of the district miserable and intolerable.

According to Met Office, Rangpur the lowest temperature was recorded 10.30
degree Celsius this morning here.

The intensity of chili goes high before sunrise and after sunset. Commuters
are facing troubles in getting vehicles particularly tempo, rickshaw and van
as the presence of the vehicles on roads and bus stands are very thin.

The cold wave victims are mostly babies, children and the aged people from
poor and low-income families living in the straw huts and fragile dwellings
that are exposed to the chilly winds blowing from the north.

Poor people particularly farmers and day-laborers are the worst sufferers as
they can't work in the field due to stronger cooler wind.

They are crowding to the shops of second hand warm clothes and buying those
at high prices as the shop owners have increased the prices of all warm
clothes due to heavy demand.

Many of the destitute are trying to combat this bone-chilling cold through
heat generated from burning heaps to straw and old rubber tires. Animals in
sheds are covered with old sacks.
As the weather has deteriorated further due to fall in the days maximum
temperatures, the residents of sandy char areas in the Brahamaputra and the
Teesta River basins are the worst affected and they are facing bone chilling
cold wind in those areas.

Saiful Islam of Barobaldia village under Sadar upazila said he cannot go to
field work due to cold wave and dense fog.

Chairman of Mollarchar union of the district M. Saiduzzaman said the char
dwellers of the union are the worst sufferers as they are facing bone-biting
chili wind during the winter season for want of warm clothes.

Nezarat Deputy Collector and also Acting District Relief and Rehabilitation
Officer Jewel Miah said they had got 45,000 blankets from the Ministry of
Relief during the winter season so far.

Considering the sufferings of the distressed and the poor, the blankets are
being distributed to them by the district and upazila administrations through
involving the local government bodies, he added.

However, the cold hit people urged the government and other socio-cultural
organisations including well off section of the society to distribute warm
clothes to cold victims for mitigating their sufferings caused by cold wave.