14 Jan 2024, 19:50

Bangladesh backs South Africa's ICJ move against Israel 

DHAKA, Jan 14, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh has extended its support to South 
Africa's application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against 
Israel for committing genocide in occupied Gaza Strip. 

"Bangladesh stands in support of South Africa's application instituting 
proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) 
concerning the violation by Israel of its obligations under the 1948 
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (Genocide Convention) 
in relation to Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip," said a statement 
issued by the foreign ministry here today. 

The statement said that Bangladesh also supports South Africa's request for 
the indication provisional measures, which include requests for the 
suspension of all military operations in and against Gaza and allowing safe, 
adequate and unimpeded humanitarian aid into all areas of Gaza. 
"The provisional measures requested are both necessary and concrete steps 
required to end the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in Gaza," it 
In this context, the foreign ministry said, Bangladesh welcomed the 
opportunity to file a declaration of intervention in the proceedings in due 

The ongoing attacks by Israeli Defense Forces have claimed the lives of 
thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom are women 
and children. 
The statement said Bangladesh considered these deliberate acts of aggression 
a blatant disregard for and violation of international law, including the 
Genocide Convention.
As a State Party to the Genocide Convention, Bangladesh calls on all states 
to respect their obligations under the Genocide Convention to prevent and 
punish the crime of genocide.
The statement said Bangladesh reiterated its calls for an immediate ceasefire 
and for the rapid, safe and unhindered provision of life-saving assistance, 
at scale, to Gaza. 
Bangladesh also reiterated its previous calls for an end to Israel's 
occupation of Palestine and for a lasting and permanent solution that sees 
the establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State along pre-
1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, said the statement.