25 Jan 2024, 22:27

Joy smart service & employment training centre opens in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, Jan 25, 2024 (BSS) - Joy smart service and employment training centre (Joy SET Centre) has been opened here today aimed at boosting the sector of skilled human resources through various freelancing training.

On behalf of its Establishing Digital Connectivity (EDC) Project, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division has established the centre on the 10th floor of City Bhaban.

State Minister for Post, Telecommunication and ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak opened the centre this afternoon as chief guest with Chief Executive Officer of Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) Dr ABM Sharif Uddin in the chair.

Director General of the Department of ICT Mostofa Kamal, EDC Project Director Tanzina Islam, RCC Panel Mayors Nizam Ul Azim, Abdul Momin and Tahera Khatun and Coordinator of Employment and Skill Development Institute Prof Habibur Rahman were present.

Speaking on the occasion, State Minister Zunaid Ahmed Palak said initiative has been taken to establish 555 Joy SET Centre in every district and upazila throughout the country under the EDC project.
Thereby, 2,66,400 youths both male and female will be imparted three-month training on freelancing. 
He also said Bangladesh at present is earning 1.9 billion dollars in the freelancing sector adding that Prime Sheikh Hasina has given direction to uplift the figure to five billion dollars within the next five years.
To this end, "We are working. After achieving the digital Bangladesh, we are going towards Smart Bangladesh," he continued.

Palak said freelancing, outsourcing and software export are being judged as one of the major export earnings.