28 Jan 2024, 22:05

PM's special assistants, APS, DPS, photographer re-appointed

DHAKA, Jan 28, 2024 (BSS) - Prime Minister's special assistants, deputy press secretary (DPS), senior photographer, assistant private secretary (APS), protocol and assignment officers have been reappointed on contractual basis.

Ferdous Ahmed Khan and Dr. Shaheed Hossain have been re-appointed as the premier's special assistants with the status of secretary while Agriculturist Md. Moshiur Rahman (Humayun) with the rank of deputy secretary.

Hasan Jahid Tusher has been reappointed as the prime minister's deputy press secretary with the status of deputy secretary while S M Gorky got reappointment as senior photographer to the premier on Grade-5 of the government pay scale.

Gazi Hafizur Rahman Liku has been reappointed as ASP-II on Grade-6 of the government pas scale, Md. Abu Zafar Raju as protocol officer-II on Grade-6 and Sanjit Chandra Das as assignment officer on Grade-9.
The Public Administration Ministry has issued separate gazette notifications to this end today.

The notifications mentioned that they will remain in office for the duration of the Prime Minister's term or subject to her satisfaction from the date of their joining on condition of relinquishing relations with other institutions and organizations.