04 Feb 2024, 19:19

National Library Day tomorrow


DHAKA, Feb 4, 2024 (BSS) - The National Library Day-2024 will be observed tomorrow across the country with a view to encouraging and inspiring people to use library for building a knowledge-based society.

Department of Public Libraries under the Cultural Affairs Ministry will observe the day through different programmes.

President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave separate messages on the eve of the day.

In a message, President Mohammed Shahabuddin said book is the real friend of the people as it helps expand knowledge and raise human qualities.

The practice of reading books will have to be increased for building a knowledge-based society as preservation and reading of books are gradually waning due mainly to expansion of information technology, he said, adding that under this situation National Library Day can play an important role to inspire people to read books.

The President said the government has taken steps to build libraries with all modern ICT facilities. As a result, libraries will become an attractive place of learning to readers, researches and information seekers, he added.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, said the present Awami League government as part of its onward march of development has increased the facilities of the libraries.

The government has set up 'Bangabandhu and Mujib Corner' in 1000 public and private libraries to spread the correct history of Liberation War, she said, adding that books on Bangabandhu's life and Liberation War are kept in those corners so that generations of post-Liberation War can know the real history of liberation struggle.

She said Department of Public Libraries is reaching books at the doorsteps of readers in each district under the Country-wide Mobile Library Project and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Munijir Smiriti Saudha library at Tungipara has been built as a modern smart library.

The government has ordered to introduce library-hour at school level to encourage students to study books in libraries, she added.

 "I believe that the observance of 'national library day will also encourage and inspire people more and also would help realize a knowledge-based prosperous country which was a dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman," she added.

The President and the Prime Minister wished success of all programmes of the day.

The Premier Sheikh Hasina declared February 5 as the National Library Day in 2017 and the day was first observed in 2018.