09 Feb 2024, 19:03
Update : 10 Feb 2024, 15:02

AL's special extended meeting tomorrow

DHAKA, Feb 9, 2024 (BSS) - A special extended meeting of the Awami League (AL) will be held at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's official Ganabhaban residence tomorrow.
Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will chair the meeting to be held at 10:30am, said a press release.
The party's national committee, central working committee, advisory council, presidents and general secretaries of district, city, upazila, thana, municipality, lawmakers of the Awami League and independent, zilla and upazila parishad mayors, who have been elected with the AL ticket, and presidents and general secretaries of central committee of AL associate bodies will join the event.
AL general secretary Obaidul Quader requested all to present at due time.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police has taken special measures for traffic management.
As per the directive, invited guests will enter gate number one of Ganabhaban through Bijoy Sharani and Lake Road of Jatiya Sangsad. Private vehicles of invited guests will have to be parked at the designated places of Bangabandhu International Conference Centre adjoining ground.
AL general secretary urged all to abide by the DMP directives.