14 Feb 2024, 18:44

Quantum Foundation honors its 300 blood donors

DHAKA, Feb 14, 2024 (BSS) - Quantum Foundation (QF) has honored its 300 blood

donors in recognition of their noble contribution to the humanity.

Over 300 blood donor of silver, golden and platinum clubs who donated bloods
for at least 10 times, 25 times and 50 times respectively received crest,
certificates and medal at a function today.

Addressing the event as chief guest, Dr Pran Gopal Dutta, MP said donating
blood for a patient in need is incomparable to any noble task.

Held at IDEB Bhaban, QF Chief Coordinator Madam Nahar Al Bokhari presided
over the function. Director Motivation of QF Rezaul Hasan also spoke on the

Nur Saklain Nabid shared his experience as a donor for 50 times and
Thalassemia Patient Masuma Hossain Tonni as a recipient of bloods.

QF has a pool of nearly 500,000 blood donors, half of them are regular donors
and committed to donate bloods lifelong for the sake of humanity. Since its
inception in 2000, 1.58 million units of blood have been provided till
December 2023.

On an average, the lab now supplies 100,000 units of blood every year.