14 Feb 2024, 19:03

Govt will remain alert for controlling prices of essential during Ramadan: Shahid

DHAKA, Feb 14, 2024 (BSS) - Agriculture Minister Dr Md Abdus Shahid today
said the government will remain alert for controlling prices of essential
commodities during the month of Ramadan.

"We are attaching priority to market management to control prices of
essential commodities during the month of Ramadan," he told a meeting with
journalists at his ministry here, an official release said today.

Shahid warned hoarders and market manipulators to refrain from creating any
artificial crisis of daily commodities during Ramadan.

The agriculture minister met with a delegation of US agricultural department
led by US Soyabean Export Council Chairman Stan Born, Egyptian Ambassador to
Bangladesh Omar, Mohie Eldin Ahmed Fahmy and Canadian Ambassador to
Bangladesh Lilly Nicholls at the ministry.

The Egyptian ambassador sought cooperation of Bangladesh for cultivating jute
in Egypt. "Once jute was cultivated in Egypt . . . we again want to start
jute cultivation in our country as we have a jute processing industry," he

During the meeting, Shahid sought cooperation of Canadian government for
modernization of the agriculture sector of Bangladesh.

The Canadian ambassador made assurance and said Bangladesh should focus on
exporting agro-products through maintaining its quality.

The US delegation of the agricultural department expressed their interest for
improving the processing system of agro-products.