21 Feb 2024, 14:53
Update : 21 Feb 2024, 15:22

Gautam Lahiri’s book on Pranab Mukharjee unveiled

DHAKA, Feb 21, 2024 (BSS) – The book on Indian former President Pranab Mukharjee written by President of Press Club of India senior journalist Gautam Lahiri has been unveiled at the Ekushey book fair here.

Lahiri wrote his views, experiences and observation of former Indian President about Bangladesh in his book as he observed Pranab Mukharjee from very close quarters for a long time.

Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud unveiled the book named ‘Pranab Mukharjee: Rajnitir Vetor Bahir: Prekkhit Bangladesh’ (Pranab Mukherjee: Ins and Outs of Politics The Bangladesh Context)  books/covers launching stage of Amar Ekushey Boi Mela at the Suhrawardy Uddyan at Tuesday evening.  

“The writer of this book Gautam Lahiri just did an excellent piece of work. I think his writings will act as a road map of good relation between Bangladesh and India,” Mahmud said,  praising Lahiri who was present on the stage with him.

About the book, the minister said it is an informative book which contains valuable information about Bangladesh’s history while Pranab Mukharjee was important in the context of establishing democracy in Bangladesh, especially after 1/11.

“Those who are interested in politics must read this book,” Mahmud said.

Noting that Pranab Mukherjee's relationship with Bangabandhu's family was very good, he said, the Indian veteran politicians stood by the side of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during the turning and crisis of Bangladesh.

Among others, former governor of Bangladesh Bank Dr. Atiur Rahman was present during the unveiling of the book.

Gautam Lahiri is the first Bengali to hold post of president of the Press Club of India. He has been involved in journalism for four decades and travelled to more than sixty countries of the world as a travel companion of Prime Ministers and Presidents of India.

He has visited Bangladesh many times too. He practices journalism in Bengali, English and Hindi languages.