08 Mar 2024, 18:04

PID innovation showcasing held in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, March 8, 2024 (BSS) - Innovation showcasing of seven regional offices of the Press Information Department (PID) was held at its Rajshahi Regional Office today.
The innovation showcasing event was organized with the main thrust of making its services easier.
 Officials of the PID regional offices at Rajshahi, Chattogram, Khulna, Rangpur, Barisal, Sylhet and Mymensingh depicted their respective innovation ideas through multimedia presentations in separate stalls.
Principal Information Officer (PIO) Shahinoor Miah, accompanied by some of his office-colleagues, went round the innovative initiatives besides giving his opinions on the issue.
 Speaking on the occasion, PIO Shahinoor Miah called for proper implementation of innovations for improving quality of services together with fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the service-receivers.
He also stressed the need for boosting confidence of the service-receivers on the PID services side by side infusing dynamism into its services.
 Shahinoor Miah also noted that the PID should play pivotal roles towards building Smart Bangladesh envisioned by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. To this end, all the PID people should be innovative.
 He urged his colleagues to innovate more new ideas for easing the services.