14 Mar 2024, 19:11

World Consumer Rights Day tomorrow

DHAKA, Mar 14, 2024 (BSS) - The World Consumer Rights Day will be observed in the country tomorrow like elsewhere in the world with the theme ‘Smart Bangladesh Gori, Voktar Sarthey Krittim Buddhimotta Bebohar Kori’.
On the eve of the day, President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages, greeting all consumers and wishing all success of the day's programmes.
President Mohammed Shahabuddin, in his message, said consumer right is a universal and fair right.
Buying and selling goods and providing services according to rules and laws make people's life normal and comfortable, added the head of the state.
For this purpose, it is essential to ensure quality in every field including food production, processing, storage and marketing, he said.
The government has enacted the 'Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009' to ensure consumer rights, he said, adding that there is no substitute for the collective efforts of the people, public representatives, businessmen and public servants for the proper implementation of the law.
“We expect that all the concerned institutions including the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection will faithfully perform the duties assigned to them side by side implementing the law to protect the rights of the people of the country,” he said.
In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the Awami League (AL)-led government enacted the 'Consumer Rights Protection Act' in 2009 to protect the interests of consumers and prevent acts against consumer rights.
As a result of the enactment of the Act, fairness and justice have been established in terms of trade and consumer rights, the premier added.
Transparent and safe use of artificial intelligence is essential to protect consumer rights, she said, adding that through the 'Consumer Complaint Management System (CCMS)' software developed by the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection, the service is reaching the consumers easily, in a short time.
The premier urged all traders and consumers to be aware of their rights as well as be responsible so that online shopping or financial transactions are transparent.
She hoped that no fraud or irregularity would take place in getting fair rights of customers.