25 Mar 2024, 16:32

Workers Party condemns BNP's 'Boycott India' movement

DHAKA, March 25, 2024 (BSS) - The Politburo of the Workers' Party of Bangladesh in a statement today expressed strong anger, hatred and condemnation of the so-called 'Boycott India' movement called by BNP and its allies to boycott Indian products.

According to the statement, the Workers Party stated to notice the fact that BNP intensified this campaign through speeches, statements and social media campaigning during the month of independence.

"This politics of BNP-Jamaat is not new. Like the Pakistani rulers in the past, they have done the same anti-India politics to confuse the democratic movement and take communal advantage," said the statement.

In continuance to their old communal politics, this time too, after losing in the last election politics, they have started it again, it added.

The Workers' Party, calling upon the people not to be confused by this false propaganda of BNP-Jamaat and its allies, asked countrymen to resist the movement and maintain peace and stability in the country.