01 Apr 2024, 23:05

AL spent Tk2.76cr in 12th national polls

DHAKA, April 1, 2024 (BSS) - The ruling Awami League has spent Tk2.76 crore in the 12th national polls, according to the party's election expenditure statement submitted to the Election Commission.

A delegation of the party, led by AL presidium member Kazi Zafar Ullah, submitted the statement to EC Secretary Md Jahangir Alam at his office in the city's Agargaon area today.

AL fielded 266 candidates in the 12th national election held on January-7.

According to the Representation of the People Order, the party was allowed to spend a maximum of Tk4.5 crore.

In the 11th national election in 2018, the party spent Tk1.05 crore, said AL Office Secretary Biplab Barua.