NEW YORK, May 3, 2024 (BSS/TASS) - A total of 41pc of potential US voters believe that the United States may face a new civil war within the next five years, including 16pc who said the scenario is 'very likely,' according to an opinion poll published by Rasmussen Reports.
Meanwhile, 49pc of responders don't think another civil war is likely in the next five years. The remaining 10pc are not sure.
The survey also found that 37pc of voters believe another civil war is more likely to happen if incumbent President Joe Biden is re-elected, while 25pc think the scenario is more likely if former President Donald Trump wins.
The margin of sampling error is estimated at 3 percentage points. The survey was carried out on April 21-23, among over 1,100 respondents who plan to cast their ballot in the US presidential election this year.
The US presidential election is scheduled for November 5. Trump has already won the Republican nomination. Biden, who is seeking a second term, will be the Democrats' choice. Thus, the contest will be the same as it was four years ago, when Biden won over Trump.