DHAKA, May 7, 2024 (BSS) - A total of 418 platoons of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have been deployed on Monday ahead of the first phase of the upazila parishad polls to be held tomorrow.
"The BGB personnel will work as a mobile and striking force to maintain peace and order in the electoral areas of the upazilas from May 6 to 10 to assist the local administration under Aid to the Civil Power," said a press release issued today.
The first phase of the sixth upazila parishad elections in 139 upazilas will be held tomorrow. Voting will begin from 8 am and continue till 4 pm.
A total of 1,635 candidates are competing in this phase. Among them, 570 are vying for the post of chairman, 625 for vice chairman and 440 for the post of female vice chairman.