09 May 2024, 10:27

Men or bears? Women's safety debate pops on social media

 WASHINGTON, May 9, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - If you're a woman alone in a forest,
would you rather be approached by a random man or... a bear?

The random hypothetical question has gone viral in recent weeks on social
media, provoking a passionate debate about women's perceptions of dangers,
particularly around the opposite sex.

The public conversation seems to have kicked off in April on TikTok, but has
spread like a forest fire across other platforms, including Instagram and X,
with women across the globe weighing in.

In one video, of the eight women interviewed on the street in London, seven
choose the bear, most chuckling at the sudden realization of their
counterintuitive choice.

"A bear isn't going to rape me before it kills me," wrote one Internet user
on X. "No one will feel sorry for the bear because killing me might ruin his
career," she added.

Sharing a screenshot of a testimonial about a marital rape, another user
commented: "This is why women choose the bear."

"I get that, you know what to expect from a bear," said one TikTok user,
apparently a man.

Other men have responded with bafflement.

"It's crazy, this vision of men..." said one user on X.

While the debate carries on, US conservative news outlet Fox News has
published a detailed list of tips on how to save your life in the event of an
impromptu encounter with a bear while hiking.