17 May 2024, 19:17

Atiqul urges councillors to boost awareness campaign for dengue

DHAKA, May 17, 2024 (BSS) – Dhaka North City Corporation
(DNCC) Mayor Md Atiqul Islam has called upon the
councilors to strengthen awareness campaigns in the
surrounding areas over dengue disease.

“Awareness programs should be carried out in the
surrounding areas of dengue-affected people including, their
houses, after collecting lists. Inquiries should be made at
houses of dengue-affected patients in their respective
wards,” he said.

He made the call while chairing the 27th corporation
meeting of the 2nd Parishad in the hall of Nagar Bhaban in
the city’s Gulshan area on Thursday.

The mayor also stressed the need for holding meetings and
awareness rallies with the participation of local dignitaries,
politicians, imams, teachers and students to control dengue.

“Each councilor is being given Taka 50,000 to conduct
awareness campaign for dengue menace,” he added.

He also advised all to keep their homes and surroundings
clean so that stagnant water cannot confine in any place.

With DNCC Secretary Mohammed Masud Alam Siddique in
the chair, the meeting was attended, among others, by Chief
Executive Officer of DNCC Mir Khairul Alam, Chief Engineer
Brigadier General Md Moin Uddin, Chief Health Officer
Brigadier General Imrul Kayes Chowdhury, Chief Waste
Management Officer Captain Mohammad Fida Hasan and all
departmental heads, councilors and senior officials of DNCC.