26 May 2024, 09:18

Trump trial reaches its end game

NEW YORK, May 26, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - The historic trial of Donald Trump
enters its final act Tuesday, with closing arguments to the jury who must
then decide whether to hand down the first ever criminal conviction of a
former US president.

Less than six months before American voters choose whether to return Trump to
the White House, the stakes riding on the verdict are hard to overstate --
for the 77-year-old personally, but also for the country as a whole.

Trump is accused of falsifying business records to buy the silence of porn
star Stormy Daniels about a 2006 sexual encounter between them that could
have damaged his 2016 presidential bid.

If convicted, he faces up to four years in prison on each of 34 counts, but
legal experts say that as a first-time offender he is unlikely to get jail

Crucially, a conviction would not bar Trump from appearing on the ballot in
November as the Republican presidential challenger to Democrat Joe Biden.

It has taken nearly five weeks, the testimony of more than 20 witnesses and a
few courtroom fireworks to reach closing arguments -- the last chance for the
prosecution and defense to impress their case on the anonymous, 12-member

As expected, Trump chose not to testify in his defense -- a move that would
have exposed him to unnecessary legal jeopardy and forensic cross-

For a man who has always prided himself on being in charge and in control,
the role of silent, passive defendant did not come easily.

At times it has been downright excruciating, especially when Trump was forced
to sit and listen while Daniels recounted their alleged encounter in
sometimes graphic detail.

Speaking to reporters before and after each day in court, Trump launched
regular tirades against Judge Juan Merchan -- calling him "corrupt" and a
"tyrant" -- and condemned the whole trial as "election interference" by
Democrats intent on keeping him off the campaign trail.

The politics of the case were in full view in the final days when a coterie
of leading Republicans -- including several vice-presidential hopefuls --
came to the court and stood behind Trump in a gesture of support as he spoke
to the press.

In all, he was cited 10 times for contempt of court and fined $10,000 by
Merchan for failing to heed a gag order prohibiting him from publicly
attacking witnesses, the jury, court staff or their relatives.

The judge has said he expects closing arguments to take up all of Tuesday.

He will then give his final instructions to the jury, who will likely begin
their deliberations on Wednesday.

To return a guilty or not guilty verdict requires unanimity. Just one holdout
means a hung jury and a mistrial.

- Other cases -

Aside from Daniels, the key prosecution witness was Michael Cohen, Trump's
former "fixer" turned bitter foe who arranged the $130,000 hush money

Walking jurors through the reasoning behind the payments, Cohen said they
were made "to ensure that the story would not come out, would not affect Mr
Trump's chances of becoming president of the United States."

Trump's defense team devoted most of their questioning trying to discredit
Cohen, recalling that he had admitted lying to Congress and spent time in
prison for tax fraud.

The defense called only two witnesses of their own before resting.

In addition to the New York case, Trump has been indicted in Washington and
Georgia on charges of conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020

He also faces charges in Florida of allegedly mishandling classified
documents after leaving the White House.

None of those trials are expected to take place before the November election.