28 May 2024, 22:11

Local, foreign conspirators hatching anti-state plots: Nasim

DHAKA, May 28, 2024 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim, MP, today said domestic and foreign conspirators are hatching conspiracies to turn Bangladesh into a militant state as they doesn't want development of the country.

"The conspirators are hatching conspiracy against the country," he told a triennial council of Narail District unit of Jubo League at Victoria College in Narail.
Nasim urged all to remain alert against conspirators and to remain united under the dynamic leadership Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Jubo League Chairman Sheikh Fazle Shams Parash inaugurated of the council.

Joint convener of Narail District unit of Jubo League Farhad Hossain presided over the council while AL organizing secretary BM Muzammel Haque, Mashrafe Bin Mortaza,MP, Jubo League general secretary Md. Mainul Hossain Khan Nikhil,MP, BM Kabirul Haque Mukti,MP, Narail District AL president Suvas Bosh and general secretary Md. Nizamuddin Khan Nilu, among others, spoke at the meeting.

Parash said the committee of Jubo League will be formed with honest, meritorious and dedicated leaders.