05 Jun 2024, 19:26

Saifur Rahman appointed as ambassador to Jordan

DHAKA, June 5, 2024 (BSS) - Noor-E Helal Saifur Rahman, who is now serving as Bangladesh Ambassador to South Africa with concurrent accreditation to Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Lesotho, has been appointed as the new Bangladesh envoy to Jordan.
He will be replacing Ambassador Nahida Sobhan in this capacity, a press release said here today.
Ambassador Rahman, who is a career diplomat belonging to the 15th batch of Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS)-Foreign Affairs cadre, joined the service in 1995.
In his diplomatic career, Rahman served in various capacities in Bangladesh Missions in Islamabad, Paris, Singapore and Kuwait. He was also the Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Karachi.
At the headquarters, he held various important positions including Director General of Africa Wing as well as Director General of External Publicity Wing.
Rahman obtained his Bachelor and Master Degree in Bangla Language and Literature from Dhaka University and later on, he obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore.
Rahman is also an attendee of ‘International Management Program’ at the MIT, United States. In 2013, he took part in the National Defence Course (NDC) at the National Defence College.