07 Jun 2024, 18:41
Update : 07 Jun 2024, 18:51

'Six-Point Day' observed in Islamabad, Pakistan

   DHAKA, June 7, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh High Commission in Islamabad, Pakistan today celebrated the historic 'Six-Point Day' through various programmes with due solemnity and significance.

On the occasion, the day started with the recitation of the Holy Quran in the
presence of all officials and employees at Bangabandhu Corner of the High
Commission, an official release said.

A discussion was also held there where messages of President and Prime Minister
were read out.

The speakers, in the discussion, highlighted the background and importance of the
historical six-point movement.

At the beginning of his speech, High Commissioner Md Ruhul Aalm Siddique recalled
with deep respect the greatest Bangalee of all time, Father of the Nation
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the martyrs of the historic Six-Point

Special prayers were offered seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of the
Father of the Nation and the martyrs of the historic six-point movement and
prosperity, progress and welfare of the country, the release added.
The historic Six-Point Day, marking the demand for autonomy for the then East
Pakistan, now Bangladesh, is being observed today across the country in a befitting manner.

On June 7 in 1966, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman launched a massive movement against the misrule of the Pakistanis on the basis of the 6-point demand, the Magna Carta of the Bangalees, seeking autonomy for the then East Pakistan.