08 Jun 2024, 10:51

Slovakia set for EU vote after PM shooting, Meloni's Italy next

BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 8, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Slovakia on Saturday kicks off
the final two days of voting in EU-wide elections, under the shadow of last
month's shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Another violent incident occurred late on Friday when a man hit Danish Prime
Minister Mette Frederiksen in a Copenhagen square.

The motive for the assault on Frederiksen was not immediately known. Police
arrested the man but gave few immediate details about what happened.

The May 15 assassination attempt on Slovakia's populist premier Fico by a 71-
year-old poet rocked his nation of 5.4 million and spread shockwaves across
the EU.

Hours after polls open in Slovakia, attention will shift to Italy when its
own voting stations open. Far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is hoping a
strong showing from her party will strengthen her hand as a key EU

Most of the EU's 27 countries -- including biggest economies Germany and
France, as well as Denmark -- will hold their votes for the transnational
European Parliament on Sunday.

Since the attack last month on Fico, his left-wing populist Smer-SD party has
skyrocketed past its main liberal rival to the top of the polls ahead of the
vote in Slovakia.

Hours before the country entered a pre-election media moratorium on
Wednesday, a visibly thinner Fico published a video message describing his
attacker as "an activist of the Slovak opposition".

"This opposition was unable to assess where its aggressive and hateful
politics had led a section of society, and it was only a matter of time
before a tragedy would occur," the four-time PM said in the 14-minute video.

Smer has used the attack in its campaign events, which were run under the
slogan "For Robert Fico, for Slovakia".

The party opposes EU arms deliveries to Ukraine, calling itself a "party of
peace" and railing against alleged "warmongers" in Brussels.

It remains to be seen if the groundswell of opinion after Fico's shooting
translates into higher turnout, with just 22 percent of Slovakians voting at
the last EU parliament elections in 2019.

- Meloni the queenmaker? -

While the dramatic backdrop to Slovakia's vote has increased interest, the
ballot in Italy starting the same day looks like it will have far more impact
on determining the future course of the EU.

Polls suggest Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia party looks set to claim 27 percent
of the vote, equalling 22 seats, amid a broader surge of far-right groups
across the EU.

That could make her a potential kingmaker -- or more appropriately,
queenmaker -- as her backing could be crucial in deciding if current
conservative European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen earns a second

In the run-up to the election, Meloni has been courted by centre-right von
der Leyen and French far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

Le Pen, whose National Rally is topping the polls in France, harbours hopes
of linking up with Meloni after the election in a bid to coral the fractious
extreme right into a new supergroup at the EU parliament.

For the time being, the Italian leader is playing her cards close to her

But she has said her goal is to send all of the EU's left-wing parties into

The outsized influence of Meloni's party is all the more striking given that
during the last EU polls in 2019 it won just 6.4 percent of the vote and six

On the domestic stage, a commanding performance could help further tighten
Meloni's dominance over Italy's notoriously turbulent political scene.

In the days running up to the vote, the prime minister has been omnipresent
in national media, showcasing her credentials as a bulwark against illegal

Public concern over the flow of irregular migrants across the Mediterranean
was one of the key issues that propelled Meloni to power in 2022.

On Wednesday, she visited Albania, where her government has struck a deal to
house migrants who are rescued at sea in Italian waters.

Overall, polls ahead of the vote suggested that far-right parties could claim
around a quarter of the 720 seats in the incoming EU parliament.

Exit polls in early barometer the Netherlands, which voted on the first day
on Thursday, saw the party of anti-immigration firebrand Geert Wilders take
second place.

But the stronger performance of Dutch pro-European parties provided some
succour to centrist parties trying to hold off the far-right.

Von der Leyen's conservative European People's Party and the centre-left
Socialists and Democrats still remain on course to be the two biggest
groupings in the EU parliament.