08 Jun 2024, 12:36
Update : 08 Jun 2024, 20:44

Bangladesh wins in ECOSOC election for 2025-2027

DHAKA, June 8, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh was elected as a member of the
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of the principal organs of the
United Nations (UN), for the term 2025-2027 from the Asia-Pacific region by
securing 181 votes out of 189.

Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan were the other countries elected from
the same region at the election held at the UN General Assembly Hall on
Friday, a foreign ministry's press release said here today.

ECOSOC is also the most important platform of the UN system and for that
matter multilateral diplomacy when it comes to development and social issues.

"This is a recognition of Bangladesh's unique success in achieving
sustainable development through innovative means under the leadership of
Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and a demonstration of the trust and
confidence that Bangladesh enjoys in the international arena," said
Ambassador Muhammad A. Muhith, the permanent representative of Bangladesh to
the UN, while speaking after the election.

Referring to Bangladesh's upcoming graduation from the Least Developed
Country (LDC) status to a developing country in 2026, Ambassador Muhith said:
"Membership in ECOSOC will be critical for our smooth and sustainable
graduation and expedite our progress towards implementing Agenda 2030."

This would also enable us to share our best developmental practices with the
rest of the world, he added.

Membership in ECOSOC will enable Bangladesh to enhance its visibility and
efforts, in implementing Agenda 2030 through policy formulation and active
participation in various forums, commissions, committees, executive boards
and regional platforms like the UN-ESCAP.

The election was conducted under the Presidency of 78th United Nations
General Assembly President Dennis Francis through a secret ballot.

Bangladesh will commence its ECOSOC membership from January 2025.

Under the visionary and dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,
Bangladesh is making remarkable progress towards achieving Agenda 2030 and
the 'Vision 2041: Transforming Bangladesh into a Smart Nation', according to
the foreign ministry's press release.
Widely regarded as a 'role model' for socio-economic development,
Bangladesh's advancements have earned international recognition.

Diplomats from various countries at the election venue commented: "This
victory is a global acknowledgement of Bangladesh's development success

"Indeed, Bangladesh's ongoing successes in international elections in
general, and this highly prestigious election in particular, manifest the
confidence, trust and appreciation that our nation is receiving from the
international community," said the release.

Only on Thursday, the foreign ministry mentioned that Ambassador Muhammad
Abdul Muhith was elected as the Chair of the Economic and Financial Committee
(Second Committee) of the United Nations General Assembly for its 79th

Bangladesh is also the current President of the Executive Board of the