16 Jul 2024, 20:04

Tannery workers demand immediate declaration of new wage of Tk 25,000

DHAKA, July 16, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh Tannery Workers Union (TWU) urged the government and other authorities concerned to immediately declare a new minimum wage of Taka 25,000 for its workers.

“Although 11 months and 5 days have passed since the formation of the wage board, the minimum wage for workers is yet to be declared,” Tannery Workers Union (TWU) General Secretary Abdul Malek told a press conference at the Jatiya Press Club today.

Expressing grave concern over the rights of the tannery workers at different factories of the leather industries, the TWU leaders also threatened to launch a movement to press home their demands.

“If any kind of undesirable situation arises over the tannery workers’ wages issue, the government of Bangladesh along with the factory owners must take responsibility ultimately,” TWU president Abul Kalam Azad said replying to a query of journalists.

Noting that the Bangladesh government and labor unions are committed to the overall and sustainable development of the industry, he said that the TWU wouldn't accept any kind of violation of the existing laws in the country for the sake of the workers.

He also said the negligence of the factory owners was responsible for the delay in announcing the new wage structure.

He said this delay in the declaration of minimum wages is detrimental to the stability and welfare of the industry, which has aggravated the ongoing economic plight of tannery workers.

"Many workers are in debt, struggling with the rising cost of living and unable to meet basic needs such as food, shelter and medical care." Azad added.

Sramik Karmochari Oikya Parishad (SCOP) leaders-Naimul Ahsan Jewel and Shamim Ara - were also present at the press conference.