17 Jul 2024, 18:19
Update : 17 Jul 2024, 19:34

BCL holds gayebana janaza for its activist Sabuj Ali

  DHAKA, July 17, 2024 (BSS) - Leaders and activists of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) today held the gayebana namaz-e-janaza of Sabuj Ali in front of the National Museum in Shahbagh in the city this afternoon.

   Leaders and activists of the BCL, Swechchhasebak League, Jubo League and the AL's affiliated bodies took part in the prayers for the Chhatra League activist.
  Sabuj Ali, an activist of the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) from Dhaka College, was killed during clashes over the quota reform movement on Tuesday.
  The leaders prayed for the eternal peace of Sabuj's soul and extended their support to his bereaved family.
  While addressing, BCL president Saddam Hussein said the quota protesters had destabilised each educational institution in the country, putting the lives of general students at risk.