27 Jul 2024, 17:41

Terrorists of recent mayhem to be brought to justice soon: Mozammel

MADARIPUR, July 27, 2024(BSS) - Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Huq today said terrorists of the recent mayhem will be brought under the purview of justice as soon as possible.

"The terrorists of the recent mayhem will be brought to justice in the quickest possible time as their faces have been identified in CCTV and mobile video footages," he said after inspecting the expensive buses and oil pumps which were gutted due to the arson attack by the terrorists in the recent time at Khadgi area in the district.

These identified attackers will face the music according to the law of the country, he added.

Madaripur lawmaker Shajahan Khan tackled the evil movements of BNP-Jamaat properly in the past resulting in creating grudge in minds of anarchists, he said, adding that from that grudge, they vandalized the transports and carried out arson attacks in oil pumps owned by him (Shajahan).

Lawmaker Shajahan Khan, Madaripur Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Hafizur Rahman, Additional Superintendent of Police Md Alaul Hasan and valiant freedom fighter Shahjahan Howladar were present, among others, on the occasion.

Earlier, on July 18 and 19, three people were killed and hundreds injured in a three-way clash between the Chhatra League, the protestors and the police amid the quota reformation movement.

More than 200 people were charged in four separate cases by the police in this incident. At least 82 people were arrested.