31 Jul 2024, 17:38

Anti-Discrimination Student Movement withdraws all programmes in Khulna

KHULNA, July 31, 2024 (BSS) - The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement of Khulna has withdrawn all programmes as the government has already met its main demands.

Co-coordinators of the platform announced the withdrawal of the programmes at a press briefing last night at the conference room of Khulna Circuit House after one and half hours view-exchange meeting with students, guardians, lawmaker, KCC mayor and officials of law enforcement agencies.

KCC Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Parliament member of Khulna-3 constituency SM Kamal Hossain, Additional Commissioner of KMP Sarder Rakibul Islam, among others, were present at the meeting.

Tanveer Ahmed, one of the coordinators of the platform, said, "Many people, including students, were unexpectedly killed and injured during the quota reform movement and the situation created centering the movement across the country."

Besides, many violent incidents, including arson attacks, took place in the state institutions, the coordinator said, adding, "We strongly condemn all these untoward incidents and demand fair investigation and speedy trial over the incidents".

"Our main demand was the logical reform of the quota system, which the government has already met," he said, adding that "We have withdrawn our programmes from now."

The coordinators called upon the government to reopen educational institutions soon by ensuring a congenial atmosphere.

Tanveer, who is also the fourth-year student of the department of statistics of Khulna University (KU) said, "We have continued programmes without any violence and anarchy demanding quota reform. We have withdrawn all the programmes after exchanging views with public representatives as well as law enforcement agencies since some vested quarters created violence, anarchy and mayhem to turn it (the students' movement) into anti-government movement."

Confirming the meeting between students, guardians, public representatives and law enforcement agencies, SM Kamal Hossain, lawmaker of Khulna-3 constituency, today told BSS that students agreed to withdraw their programme after a peaceful meeting.

"We requested them to withdraw their programme as the government met their demands. They can understand BNP-Jamaat alliance and their front organizations have created anarchy in the guise of students during the movement," he said.

"We have also assured them that name of innocent students will be withdrawn if they have been made accused in any cases filed over quota reform movement," he added.

However, a section of students in a statement rejected the decision of withdrawal of the movement.