01 Aug 2024, 22:11
Update : 02 Aug 2024, 18:29

ICC Prosecutor expresses unwavering support to Sheikh Hasina's leadership on Rohingya issue

DHAKA, Aug 1, 2024 (BSS) - International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan today expressed unwavering support for the values and leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Rohingya issue.

He made the remark at a meeting with Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands, a foreign ministry's press release said here.

The Prosecutor also praised Bangladesh's contributions and cooperation to upholding global justice and accountability within the international legal framework.

Bangladesh's Ambassador to the Netherlands, Muhammad Riaz Hamidullah, was present at the meeting.

The ICC Prosecutor said that he is impressed by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's generosity and humanity towards the Rohingyas who have taken refuge in Bangladesh.

During the meeting, Foreign Minister Hasan praised the ICC Prosecutor's stance and leadership on the situations in Gaza, Ukraine, and Rakhine State.

He raised the issue that global focus and support for justice for the Rohingyas are diminishing due to other global issues, and it is being viewed as solely Bangladesh's concern.

Hasan also pointed out the significant socio-economic challenges and substantial security risks arising from the prolonged presence of Rohingyas in Bangladesh.

The Prosecutor mentioned that the international community must do whatever is needed to support the Rohingyas.

He emphasized that the international community must do whatever is necessary to assist the Rohingyas.

The Foreign Minister informed the Prosecutor about recent attacks on state institutions, property damage and vandalism in Bangladesh.

Hasan invited the ICC prosecutor to visit Bangladesh at a convenient time.