12 Aug 2024, 19:43

Youth-envisioned 'New Bangladesh' must ensure democratic & accountable governance: TIB

DHAKA, Aug 12, 2024 (BSS) - The youth-envisioned 'new Bangladesh' must ensure democratic and accountable governance that is free from discrimination, corruption and injustice including all forms of violation of human rights, says the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB).
To mark the International Youth Day 2024, TIB has called for a comprehensive reconstruction of the state structure and creation of a new political and governance construct with public interest at the core.
It also asserted the confidence that the youth will continue to be the driving force behind the nation's efforts to guarantee the people's right to vote, justice, human rights, and freedom of expression and free media. 

The anti-graft watchdog has urged the interim government to ensure that the necessary structure and environment conducive to the realisation of this vision are created.

In a statement today, TIB Executive Director Dr Iftekharuzzaman said: "We have witnessed that, the youth have led an unprecedented upsurge, which has resulted in the collapse of a dictatorial regime at unprecedented costs in terms of loss of lives and deprivation of fundamental rights." 

Mentioning that this fall of the authoritarian regime demonstrates that the indomitable spirit of the youth cannot be stifled by neglect or oppression, he said one of the most critical lessons from this movement is that tyranny, born of a blatant lack of responsibility, accountability, transparency, and good governance, must pay the ultimate price. 

Iftekharuzzaman said all stakeholders, including political parties, must learn from this movement that the power of the students cannot be suppressed.
"Instead, an environment must be created in which the youth can be vocal about their well-deserved rights and legitimate demands. With the start of this promising new era and the significant transformation of the state structure consistent with the genuine spirit of the liberation war, we have faith that the youth will drive the nation to constructing a nation that ensures fundamental freedoms and is devoid of discrimination and communalism," he said. 

The TIB chief said their aspiration is to establish a democratic, transparent and accountably governed country where the right to vote, justice, human rights, freedom of speech, and free media are ensured.
The youth stakeholders involved with TIB have made several key recommendations on the occasion of International Youth Day 2024, recognising the youth as a vital force in driving national progress.
Among these recommendations are - a call upon everyone to be dedicated to actively creating a new Bangladesh based on the aspirations of the youth, free from discrimination, and a society based on equality, meritocracy, democracy, accountability, and good governance; creating a state structure that upholds a democracy based on human rights, public welfare, participatory, and inclusive, with guaranteed freedoms of speech and the press; reorganising the entire institutional framework to stop the politicisation of state and constitutional institutions and guaranteeing that they never serve as tools for a partisan power-hungry agenda.

The recommendations of the youth include ensuring strict accountability for unprecedented and brutal human rights violations based on nationally and internationally acceptable investigation with the participation of the United Nations, establishing strong institutional and legal frameworks that protect fundamental rights such as the right to protest, freedom of assembly, freedom of the media, and freedom of speech. 

Additionally, the recommendations aim to permanently eliminate the acquisition and expansion of illicit wealth through the misuse of public office and corrupt practices. 

The TIB also advocates for the development of effective strategies to permanently stop the authoritarian shutdown of the internet and social media, which are crucial platforms for information, free speech, and expression. 
Also, the recommendations propose restructuring all institutions involved in the rule of law and the broader state structure based on national consensus to prevent any further human rights violations in the future.

 On top of all, sustainable measures should be taken to ensure that the youth can freely express their opinions without fear.