22 Aug 2024, 20:11

Committee formed to assess impact of Bangabandhu Safari Park project, Lathitila reserve forest

DHAKA, Aug 22, 2024 (BSS) - A four-member committee has been formed to prepare a report with recommendations on conservation of biodiversity of the proposed 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park (Phase-1) project and Lathitila reserve forest in Juri Forest Range in Moulvibazar.

The Forest Department under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, formed the committee on August 21 with former Chief Conservator of Forest Istiaque Uddin Ahmed at its helm, said a press release today.

Professor Dr Mostafa Firoz of Zoology Department, Jahangirnagar University and Arannayk Foundation's former Executive Director Farid Uddin Ahmed are the member of the committee while forest conservator of wildlife and nature conservation area under the Forest Department Imran Ahmed will act as member-secretary. The committee will be able to co-opt any member, if necessary.

The committee has been asked to submit report within September 19, 2024 after assessing the impact on implementation of the 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park (Phase-1) project in Moulvibazar. Besides, the committee will make recommendations on forest, wildlife and biodiversity of Lathitila reserve forest in Juri Range in Moulvibazar.

'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park (Phase-1) project got conditional clearance from the ECNEC meeting on November 9, 2023 ignoring the objections of wildlife experts and environmentalists, according to the release.