25 Aug 2024, 22:16
Update : 25 Aug 2024, 22:19

Tarique Rahman greets cricket team for winning test match

DHAKA, Aug 25, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman greeted the Bangladesh Cricket Team for winning their opening game with a huge margin against Pakistan at Rawalpindi today.

In a felicitation message, signed by the BNP's Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, Tarique Rahman greeted all the players, coach and officials of the national cricket team as well as Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) officials concerned for the win.

"I feel overwhelmed and proud to see how the brave boys of our country has brought remarkable success for the country people from global arena", Tarique said, adding, "The huge win against a powerful country like Pakistan has taken the confidence of cricketers one step ahead."

It was Bangladesh's first Test victory against the Pakistan in 14th attempt. Before this Test, Bangladesh lost 12, most of which by an innings margin and drew one game.

The maiden Test victory over Pakistan was some solace for the nation which was going through a difficult time in the last two months-firstly due to a political unrest and then a severe flood that affected badly in various parts of the country.