28 Aug 2024, 21:31

Ex-DU VC Prof Maksud Kamal congratulates new VC

DHAKA, Aug 28, 2024 (BSS) - Former Dhaka University Vice Chancellor Prof Dr
ASM Maksud Kamal today congratulated the newly appointed Vice Chancellor
Professor Niaz Ahmed Khan.

"I am extending my heartiest greetings and congratulations to you on being
appointed as the 30th Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University," he said a
felicitation message today.

He added, "With your academic and administrative experience, wisdom and
action-planning, Dhaka University will advance in education, research and the
quality of life of students, this is my firm belief."

Describing the newly appointed vice-chancellor as a dedicated academician and
researcher, Prof Maksud Kamal said they will extend all-out cooperation to
the new VC in materializing the nation's aspirations and desire centering the
country's largest university.