09 Sep 2024, 16:40
Update : 09 Sep 2024, 23:37

25 districts get new DCs

DHAKA, Sept 9, 2024 (BSS) - The government has appointed new deputy
commissioners (DCs) to 25 districts.

The Ministry of Public Administration issued a gazette notification in this regard today.

"These BCS (admin) cadre officials will perform their duties as Deputy
Commissioners and District Magistrates," the notification added.

Under the new appointment, Deputy Secretaries (DSs) of the Cabinet Division Tanvir Ahmed, Istiaque Ahmed and Chowdhury Moazzem Ahmed posted to the DC of Dhaka, Noakhali and Gaibandha districts while Economic Relations Division (ERD) DSs Mohammad Quamrul Hasan Molla and M Ahidul Islam appointed as the DC of Faridpur and Magura districts respectively.

Deputy Secretaries of Public Administration Ministry PKM Enamul Kabir, Dr M Faridur Rahman, Hosna Afroz, Farida Khanam and Mohammad Saiful Islam
appointed as the DC of Sylhet, Habiganj, Bogura, Chattogram and Khulna
districts respectively while Health and Family Welfare Advisor's Personal
Secretary Mafidul Alam got the appointment of DC of Mymensingh district.

Deputy Secretary of Health Service Division Tarafdar Mahmudur Rahman
appointed as the DC of Sherpur while Commerce Ministry's DS Farhana Islam
becomes DC of Kushtia and Directors (DS) of Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Mohammad Abdul Auwal and Md Abdul Awal got posting as DC of Jenaidah and Naogaon districts respectively.

Deputy Secretaries of Agriculture Ministry Mohammad Rabiul Faisal and Nafisa Arefin got appointment as DC of Rangpur and Gazipur districts respectively while DSs of Health, Education and Family Welfare Division Mohammad Mofizul Islam and Mohammad Mohsin Uddin has been made DC of Pabna and Chandpur districts respectively and Project Director of Bangabandhu Hightech City-2's supportive infrastructure construction project M Saiduzzaman got posting as DC of Jaypurhat.

Deputy Secretary of Youth and Sports Ministry Mohammad Salauddin appointed as the DC of Cox's Bazar district while Environment, Forest and Climate Change Ministry's DS Mohammad Amirul Kaisar has been made DC of Cumilla district.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Barishal City Corporation (BCC) M Israil
Hossen has been made DC of Moulvibazar and Dhaka Hajj Office Director
Muhammad Quamruzzaman got posting as DC of Gopalganj district.