10 Sep 2024, 20:04
Update : 10 Sep 2024, 20:13

Charmonai Pir demands cancellation of all treaties signed with India


DHAKA, Sept 10, 2024 (BSS) - Islami Andolan Bangladesh (IAB) Amir Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karim, Charmonai Pir (Priest)  today demanded making of all “secret” agreements signed during the last 15 years with India public and cancel those.

“No deal can be signed only for India's interest . . . Make public of all the secret agreements signed with India after analyzing pros and cons of the agreements and cancel those,” he told a statement this afternoon.

Criticizing the 15 years rule of the past Awami League government, he said Sheikh Hasina’s fascist government not only used the country to gain their narrow personal interest but also put Bangladesh to the grip of India.
In this connection, the Charmonai Pir observed that the situation has already been changed following the student-public uprising that ultimately ousted the Hasina-led Awami League government.

In the statement, Mufti Rezaul Karim said India is reluctant to accept Bangladesh as a friendly country due to these agreements and it treated us very badly.

Charmonai Pir said Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has secretly threatened launching war against Bangladesh by instructing the top military officers to monitor the situation in Bangladesh and prepare for war.

“We don't want enmity with anyone . . . we want friendship with everyone. The people of this country are always ready to protect the sovereignty of Bangladesh and the life and property of its citizens as well,” IAB Amir added.

Charmonai Pir also sought an explanation from the Indian Defense Minister’s speech at the gathering of senior armed forces officials when he asked them to monitor situation in Bangladesh and take preparation for war.

About border killing, he said India has not yet stopped border killings. Besides, the country is depriving Bangladesh of getting due share of water in times of need, he added.
Charmoani Pir urged all patriotic forces to remain vocal against this friendly enemy saying that  the Bangladesh government should also take all preparations to this end.