16 Sep 2024, 23:41

'Loraku-24' demands urgent measures for wounded persons of mass upsurge

DHAKA, Sept 16, 2024 (BSS)- 'Loraku-24', a voluntary organisation, today urged the interim government to take immediate and visible initiatives for proper treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded persons of student-led mass upsurge.

At a press conference at Jatiya Press Club (JPC) today, they also demanded making a proper list of wounded persons immediately, arranging weekly 'health brief' for informing the updates, and assigning volunteers with each wounded individual to take care.
Fatema Mithila of 'Loraku-24' placed the 15-point demand at the press conference at Maulana Akram Khan Hall of JPC.  

The 15-point demand also included- formation of the information collection committee in each district, creating national taskforce consisting of expert physicians, arranging specialized resident healthcare services for the people of marginalized areas for their regular check up.    

'Loraku-24' also demanded for creating employment opportunities for the family members of the wounded people who lost their eyes or became paralyzed.
Mizanur Rahman, a wounded youth, who sustained injuries in his both eyes, said, he got admission in the government hospital.

 “I had to suffer a lot in the government hospitals alongside misbehavior at each stage,” he said adding his both eyes have not recovered yet."
"I am not sure whether it will be cured fully. I don't know how I will raise my two children", he added.

Fatema Mithila said, after making a proper list of wounded people, initiatives must be taken for their rehabilitation considering their socio-economic condition along with ensuring proper treatment.

Under the initiative of the platform, the volunteers along with four female members, visited four hospitals in the city to observe healthcare services, patient's socio-economic conditions and their mental state, she said.

Conducted by Sumita Robi Das of Loraku-24, the press conference was also addressed by author and anthropologist Rahnuma Ahmed, journalist Saydia Gulrukh, and family members of some wounded persons.