23 Sep 2024, 21:53

Islami Andolan for inclusion of Islamic scholars in textbook revision process

DHAKA, Sept 22, 2024 (BSS)- Mufti Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karim, Amir of the Islamic Andolan Bangladesh (IAB) today demanded of the Interim Government include alem ulemas and Islamic scholars in the textbooks revision committee. 

 “It is not pleasant not to engage Islamic scholars in textbook revision . . . Include country’s alem ulema and Islamic scholars in the revision committee; otherwise any conspiracy with the education won’t be tolerated,” Rezaul Karim, popularly known as Charmonai Pir, said while addressing a public rally at Kalkini in Madaripur this afternoon.

Kalkini Upazila unit of the IAB organized the rally, where he highlighted the supreme sacrifices of the people in the anti-discrimination movement that led to ousting the Awami League government.

Criticizing some unruly activities soon after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fled from the country, the Charmonai Pir said, “Our movement was against repression and tyranny, but we saw a group engaging in unlawful activities like occupying others’ property, extortion and destruction as well like before. These must be stopped.”

The IAB Amir put emphasis on establishing a welfare state with the participation all people as it’s not possible to change the lots of people without establishing a welfare state.

“It is the demand of time to hold an acceptable election after ensuring the necessary reforms . . . Otherwise, country’s Independence will not be meaningful,” Mufti Rezaul Karim added.

He urged the government to ensure the trial of killers involved in the recent students-people protest, confiscate their assets and disqualify them in the next polls.

IAB central and local leaders also spoke on the occasion.